Monday, June 22, 2009

Only 09

I let the Summer Solstice pass on a quiet couch on the hill 

absorbing light;

It was as if that whole year could fit into that sky

all the moments since the last longest day when I was dancing and singing and

flailing around with my girl at the Telluride Bluegrass Festival, 

music swelling in our ears...

So filled with light it was, 


a gracefully gradual changing of seasons  

a yearning and a waning all in one great sky.

East West

Will never meet

Not in this sky

Not on the longest day

Not on this quiet night

Not tonight

I am surrounded by color

Brightening and fading

And I reflect on my life,

These times

When the Iranians are warring with each other

Innocent people are dying, again

The Iraqis still have no power or fuel at times

The Afghanis are angry

and want to know who to "get"

The Crips the Bloods

are all hating each


My grandma’s eyesight is nearly gone

My friend loses her father

I have a new lover

I am missing some friends

And my dog

To be completely honest

I am not where I have been

On this longest day for so many years past

I am on a different hill

with the lyrical sound of silence this time


This day finally fades.

I have seen all this light.

It did not go unnoticed.

It went with pink and purple and yellow and orange and brilliance smeared together like nothing,

like no one,

I have seen.

It was quite a show tonight, 

a quiet show.

It is the mood I’m in

for looking in

sitting still

reflecting and resetting...

There is no time to waste

I know

The days are getting shorter again.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Nice to Meet You

Last time I was here was May 27, 2008
that is a long time ago
since then I've changed
my life,
of course,
people i will love were born
people i did love died
I left
many things 
and gained
in experience than
any one year should really give
to one.
Now I know what it's like
to do something
I've never done before
something I was afraid of
then to stop doing that
and do something else
I was afraid of.
I was.
I am.
Life is about conquering fears
keeping your eyes open when they automatically shut.
You have to See this.
You have to Feel this.
You have to Smell it and Taste it
to know it.
And I know her
I know him.
But, more importantly,
more accurately,
more lovingly,
I know me.
How sweet that is...