Sunday, September 30, 2007


Step by step, moving towards a mountain top, I stop. Bending down at a clear, cool pool, breaking the reflection of the clouds, I dip my hand and take a drink. A tiny drop falls from my fingertips; it ripples. I dive in and make a giant splash, it ripples and ripples; the wind rises and ripples the surface of the water. I scream, with joy, with pain; the echo ripples through the mountain tops. I feel the presence of a friend, long gone. It ripples through my blood like an electrical current and I remember what I am supposed to do. I keep walking, step by step.

1 comment:

Spencer Bennett Crouch said...

ripple me silly as i bob up and down forth and back round and round til my body falls to the ground, terra firma.
grounding my thought I breath in and out focusing on the moment. fury friends remind me of my lover lengthing her divine spine, bending further back each day growing and walking step by step.