Friday, November 12, 2010

I've got some nic-knacks

After returning from Thailand, Bhutan and India I have this really impressive collection of nic-knacks. Oh, dread, I didn't think I was one of "those.
There is a mini prayer wheel, because I have to now spin my prayers as well as recite them out loud and under my breath;
A bronze buddha with his hands over his mouth, "speak no evil" he tells me. This goes with my new concept I am trying out called,
"Be Nice." I have imagined that I have tattooed those words on the inside of my left hand, and when I want to be bitchy or sarcastic, I look there, and sometimes, I hold my tongue. Less apologizing, so I think it is working.
Third, there is Ganesha, the Himdu God/ess of Good luck/fortune; I figured I could use that.

The other stuff is still shackled in wrapped newspaper:

Sayings by The Dalai Lama, a lotus candle holder, hand woven scarfs, silk scarfs, carvings, statues, a key chain, mala beads and necklaces... just as much as I could fit in my suitcase.

Now what?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've got nicknacks too... cookbooks, spatulas, a 2 ft tall Lakshmi wood goddess, a blanket from India recently consigned due to the 10 years away from India it still smelled like the motherland...
Maybe not all pieces of worthless crap, a decorative knick knack with little or no purpose.

Chotchkie can be pretty, sentimental, or even occasionally useful though it usually breaks easily if useful. If you are having trouble identifying Chotchkie just look around your house or someone else's and whatever you see that a burgler wouldn't steal is probably Chotchkie.
Fake fruit, a ceramic frog containing candy, pretty much anything purchased at a dollar store, costume jewelry, etc.

Live in the grey! Travel souvenirs in the black and white definition world may not be nick nacks or chotchkies!
-Jenn Riffle

p.s. i invite people to comment.
ended up on your blog from Andy Docken's facebook...
smiles and hemp seeds!