Friday, March 25, 2011


It's been a long time since I've been able to fall so deep
with the heavy breath
the body sinking with every exhale


to feel myself connected to others through breath
and sweat
to struggle and succumb
to contract and expand
to find freedom within the tension
to soften into it
and let it slide away like soap dissolving grease

feeling my heart beat throughout my body
head to toes
through the floor

connecting with the pulse of earth and the energy of animation

what makes us


Love and Peace

It seems so cliche to say it but it is all that is true.
What the world needs now, what we all need now, in our hearts and in our minds
is love and peace

can you dig it?


Half assed
Back broken
Need rest
Softly pleasing
Inevitably ugly
Understandably disappointing
Another try
Another day gone by
Without you
Without you

When will you live?
When will you truly live?

Non attachment

And then there’s you...