Sunday, February 3, 2008

Alien invader

No, it does not come in peace
it comes quietly at first
just a tickle or a scratch is all you notice
then it doesn't leave
such an unwelcome guest
stealing my joy
making me feel as if
I was made of glass
so fragile
I scuffle bout the house in slippers
afraid I might break
trying to avoid the dogs insistent stares
"why are we NOT going outside"
they seem to say again and again and again
I am on a different planet than everyone else
humorless, for just a second
then I hear about my friend
who almost died skiing yesterday
and doesn't get to ski for the rest of the season
and I think
maybe I just need to slow down a bit
and spend hours upon hours in bed
some people would dream of this
those who are so stressed out
stretched too thin
here I am
laying in bed
allowed to think even though my brain feels like miso soup
when I really needed chicken noodle
this is the time I want my mommy
nothing else will do
in her absence
I'll just lay here carefully
and try not to break

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