Sunday, February 3, 2008

Bikram says...

"You haven't even started living yet!"
"You cannot bring the light when you're living in the dark."
"You should be ashamed of yourself acting like an average person."
"When you come out of here (teacher training) you will have a million mile gap between you and everyone else you know."
"If someone can steal your peace from you, you're the loser."
"One life is not enough."
"Take it easy, honey."
"Having means nothing if you don't know how to use it."
"You can't have a sick body and a screw loose brain."
"Eat shit and die."
"Welcome to the torture chamber."
"Excuse me for living."
"Confess the truth. Follow the truth."
"Just think of it!"
"The easiest thing in the world is quitting."
"I hate boring people!"
"The saddest thing in my lifeis that nobody understands me."
"lock the knee lock the knee lock the knee..."
"Poison kills the poison. Pain kills the pain."
"The blind cannot lead the blind."
"Yoga is your gas station."
"Yoga makes you bulletproof, windproof, waterproof, stressproof, sexproof, moneyproof, fireproof..."
"99% right is still 100% wrong."
"If you try the right way you get 100% benefit."
"Have the guts to confess the truth."
"Hell is the only way to get to heaven."
"You only have to travel six inches in your life. That is the distance from your mind to your heart."
"Yoga is everything."
"An empty barn is better than one full of naughty cows."

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