Monday, February 4, 2008

Fragile: handle with care

I awoke this morning feeling like a glass bulb,
a christmas ornament
wrapped tightly in tissue paper
put away for the season
in a box
I was not meant to move
if I did
I would break.
My bones felt like pretzel sticks
with the little salt specks
grinding in the joints
if I were to touch something
like the corner of a table
or the wall
on accident
I would surely
into a fine pretzel dust.
It is a worthless feeling to embody pretzels and glass
It is a feeling I have already begun to forget
as I feel my strength building again
so soon
I look outside at a foot of fresh snow
so, I won't be raging down the hill today
but there will be other days
when my spine feels like a snake rather than a piece of bamboo
for now I am happy to be making fresh tracks walking in the yard
the sun is already setting
the day has slipped away
and I didn't break
or disinigrate.

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