Saturday, December 22, 2007


The shortest day of the year
made her mark tonight,
proving she is strong.

Although she is starting to relinquish control,
turning dark to light as winter softens
it’s ice cold grip.

But not tonight.
Not yet.

Tonight the full moon is turning the sky pink and blue.
The sun has just set.

Spinning like a frozen top.

The sky is H U G E .

Every distant peak is glowing
as bright as the blue moon.

Alpinglow all around.

Well below sanity
to be outside
walking with dogs
across Castle Creek Bridge
hearing the water trickle a hundred feet below
remembering the raging spring
when you rode that water
in days that lasted well into night,
paddling til eight.

Today is the shortest day.

It’s getting dark
at five o’clock.
But she’s letting go.

Letting go,

but still freezing to the bone.

She won’t let it go that easy.
It’s still a long time til spring.
And a lot of skiing to be done,
before you ride the raging water again.



The shortest day sinks in as the the light fades.

It is night.

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