Wednesday, December 5, 2007

THE water THE water

A slow melody plays
one note at a time

children are running

They are you and me,
we them.


Have you ever looked in the mirror and one of you,
from before,
was looking back?
Frozen in time,
what happened to you?

A look.
It shakes you.

Never have you been so serious,
to study that face
to remember that you,
from so long before.
The one that laughed and played
and dreamt

as big as the ocean.

She wanted to ride dolphins,
when she grew up,
thought it would be a cool job
to feed them fish and wave to the crowd.


Why not?
A dolphin-feeding job?
What happened to make you think you knew better than that,
than her?
She is wiser than you
and you never knew it.
So quick to dismiss that kid
to grow up
to fall apart
all on your own.
And to forget about everything,
and everyone
you ever loved.
Only to look in the mirror
and see that they never left you

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