Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Rollin' in the XLT

Yo Yo

Rollin in my XLT
that's the extended version,
like an extra long BLT,
but better.
My ride is green like choco mint ice cream
she screams
up and down that valley highway
me and my crew.
It's Chachi and Zorro
Black and white bitches
sucking air out the window
they've got me in stitches.
I laugh when I see their lips flapping,
nostrils flaring
all the Audi, Benz and Volvo moms are glaring
cuz i drive real slow
watching the clouds float by, you know
as I roll in my XLT,
up and down this valley wide
the time I have just seems to slide
listening to public radio
or maybe even an old school cassette
playing with my phone, fumbling with a barrette
nothing works right
the van is a fright
"Kids don't look, the windows are tinted"
"And I can tell the drivers' eyes are squinted!"
Nothing but trouble
extended version and in the bubble
Nowadays I ride to and fro
earning my means
in a car that screams,
"I don't give a shit about the car I drive, dude!"
"Please don't stare it is so rude!"
I'm just hoping to survive this rush hour madness
and not give into the sadness
as I see each and every lonely soul
with all their gadgets
trying so hard to look cool.
I'm so far from that,
just me and the dogs, maybe a cat
cruising in the XLT,
for all to see.
Official Forest Service green
she is (We got such a deal!)
a lean, mean machine
charging through the snow
making people laugh
and smile


I think she'll be around a while.

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