Thursday, November 29, 2007

Feeding the shark

The most resilient creature looms in the shadows,
darts like a bullet
through the water.
Such a keen sense, to be aware of all that is moving
ignoring it all, it may seem, with that aloof upward angle of the nose...
Then, chomp!
“I like that one,” he thinks.
“ I’m going to eat her all up with my
ten rows of sharp, shiny teeth.”
Nothing left now but a few strands of long dark hair streaming from his mouth.

“She was tasty,” he swimmingly sings with a goofy grin on his face.
He lumbers slowly through the sea, full of her.

He is satisfied, yes.
But not for long.

The shark is ever-hungry - eyes always seeing all that moves, nose sensing any latent fear or obvious ignorance.
He’s ready to take advantage of any weakness.
The fin slices through the water in a deliberate straight line
as if he was tied to a compass pointed exactly “North.”
Off to the shores of Maui... Maybe.
Then to Africa to mingle with a different sort of animal.
A tribal warfare to partake in.
But, contrary to what most people think, the shark is not violent,
just adaptable and intelligent.


Not seeking conflict, only to nourish himself.

One always respects the shark.

Ten rows of teeth, it has.

But, more than that.

The shark is a survivor in this beautifully toxic wasteworld.
A world filled with lusty unfulfilled fantasies,
nervous rapping fingertips and bits of chewed off nails.
A world being recreated everyday by the blasphemous human dwellers:
the polluters, the stockbrokers, the clock-watchers,
the doctor-drugpushers and the lawyer-liers.

Those that can’t even conceive of the magic,
and don’t even notice the beauty...

of his smooth rubbery tin can skin, those fleshy vents, flapping open and closed with each breath, the perfectly pointed fins and nose that are more accurate than the modern GPS, the ever-open eyes...

and the ten rows of teeth.

Choose how to survive.

“It is our mind, and that alone, that chains us or sets us free.”

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