Tuesday, November 20, 2007

one more open heart

It is dark.
Lead dropped out of the sky, burying me like a pile driver deep into the earth...
I was flying so high.
Just back from nine weeks, a rebirth...awakening of a spirit song left unsung.
Unaware it was even there, and then, out of the clear blue - like a man crying for the first time in 25 years - there is singing.
Brilliant, but almost violent. Shaking the very core of you.
Where was this part of you all along? The part that is open to the universe, like you are best pals with everyone, in love, with a smile that penetrates everything that you see.
A light.
A quake.
How do you take this music with you? How do you come back to where you were once you've heard that voice? It's haunting. It rings in your ears. BUZZING. Singing. A distraction from any memory of the old life.
Once you see the light, forget about the rest. Leave the men and the bars and the street lights -the fading flickering lights - the Styrofoam plates and plastic ware, the blue and white streamers... leave it all behind.
Go forth with elegance and grace and power, all for less than a dollar. A real bargain...
All with the clothes on your back; nothing but determination, presence, and passion - to love; to believe in this life. To acknowledge that one life is not enough because of the way it overflows everyday and how you lay down when it's dark exhausted.
Completly spent.
Only to rise again and look at the rays of light over the water and open yourself to it. To enter it almost, barely squinting, opening your eyes to the searing white till it hurts and you see spots of blue and green and the great unknown. Obliterating the mundane, the average normal life that snails crawl around in. Soaring, once again. Whether you are in Hawaii under the deep blue sea, or in Colorado under the gray painted sky. Don't give up. Don't give up. There is something you were meant to do and there is no time to waste...

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