Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The present: Confessions of a Go Go dancer

(recited on Oct. 26 the day after Craig’s killer full moon class
that had everyone howling)

Confess the truth, follow the truth

Confession 1 : The truth is I’m not a Go Go dancer
like I told everyone
in the beginning. I am a triple Scorpio rising and emerging.
Confession 2: Today (Oct. 26) is really NOT my birthday.
I only said that so I could get a hold of
the mic (Craig feels challenged, out of control,
perhaps, with a fiery Scorpio on the mic who won’t let
go.) I tell him to relax, breathe; I’ve only got a few
things to say (notebook full). I tell him he’s going
to like it. Give up the mic, Craig!

The Present
Just listen.
Last night I felt so alive.
On my way to the beach,
I passed Craig coming back from the ocean
just before the 5 p.m. class.
No doubt who would be teaching.
He was so intent on the left eye, of the bird, in the tree.
Nothing but focus, intention, strength.
I didn’t just look at him, I read a volume about him.
I learned so much in that passing moment.
When he started talking about the moon,
my senses were awakened.
Hello MOON!
The balance of the moon and the sun in the sky
above our heads,
just as we melted into the floor for the mid-point savasana
was not just dumb luck.

We created that!

Craig made us laugh with his redneck,
Jersey antics
and then immediately stand at attention.
With his words.
Inflection, color, texture – all there.

His words sunk into me.

I completely forgot I was lying under the
five million pounds
of concrete and steel of the Ilikai Hotel,
under 26 floors.
Instead, I was floating on a million stars in the ocean.
Moon rising and sun setting equal and simultaneously
above my head.
Each word he said
moon, sun, heart, breath, strength, power, love
light, light, light
like a pebble into my liquid soul
as the gravity of the outside moon tugged relentlessly
on the 80 percent of me
that is water.
PLINK. PLink. Plink.
The words dropped and rippled;
I was overflowing on the floor.
A puddle.
The corona of the moon,
the rainbow light shining out of the universe,
is the same light surrounding OUR Hearts.
That dense, meaty muscle tissue that makes us believe,
makes us feel.


Feel the connection.

300 hearts beating together,
like one giant piece of fascia was stretched over
each and every one of us,
connecting us.

Energy Moving.

The room is full.


Each nerve, axon, axon branch, motor end unit -
each tiny tiny muscle fiber -
stretching out like a flower petal blooming.

Total stimulation.
Pure Joy.

A smile glued on my face.

All that before the “real” yoga began.
A natural high. SO HIGH.

A spiritual journey that will never end...


Breathing always normal.

Speech cont.

"Now, because I have the mic, and only just this once,
I ask you all for a gift.
Don’t sing me a song, just listen.

Having means nothing if you don’t know how to use it.
In the same vein,
Words mean nothing if you don’t know how to use them.
That was my thought in savasana a week or so ago
after getting hammered time and time
again in posture clinic for acting like I didn’t care,
that I was lacking a connection with people, just
reading the words off a teleprompter.

The dialogue, the words, don’t mean anything
if you don’t know how to use them.
If you do, well, you have yoga ecstasy,
something many of us felt last night.
So Powerful.

The words equal the Asanas.
The Asanas, eventually, in the future,
equal health and happiness.
The more of that in the world the better.

One more open heart in the world is
one more open heart in the world.

Please help me.
Everyone, all together now, please say to me:
“Get over yourself.”
“It’s not about you, it’s about the yoga.”
“You’ve got to believe.”

Thanks to you all...My heart cries

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