Saturday, November 24, 2007


(Sometime in Oct.)

Thank you for your energy, thank you for your breath. Your focused intention kept me moving this morning. Emerging from a dream.
You see, I had a hard night last night; this or that was consuming me. So slow to embrace the morning, feeling uninspired and the same same. Walking in to the stink as if dragging a giant dead cobra tail, stiff from the coccyx to the neck, coccyx to the toes. Everything loose, everything hanging.
I want to go back to sleep, I thought. More sleep, go sleep, now sleep, more sleep. Eyes closed breathing normal. Head back on the pillow where I started. Feet, knees elbows, hands – everything in one line in my bed.
It was class number 55 in half as many days. Groundhog Day feeling in full force. I stood and I breathed in and out and wanted to waste it.
But I couldn’t.
Around me were people with eyes staring straight ahead and mouths drawn in a straight line. Everyone so intently focused there in the mirror, listening and moving to the words that have become so familiar.
I couldn’t sit down; if I did then so does the guy behind me in the tiger shorts, and then the skinny, strong girl to my side doesn’t push it so hard. I can not vacuum up all the energy with my pity. I decide to try because I can and I must.
I believe in it.
And we elevate each other. Side by side. No words of encouragement. Just breath. Breathe in, breathe out. Stay with me. Soon you will be floating on a million stars in the ocean, just like a dream.

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