Saturday, November 14, 2009


My feet dangle.
Delicious toes
Fishes, seaweed, sharks
Who knows who’s checking out these flat feet?
It feels divine
To dangle
My feet over the side
Of my surfboard as I stare at the horizon
Waiting for waves.
Nov. 1, 2009
5 p.m.
Paddle, paddle
Catching the wave and riding toward the shore
Looking at the water flowing past me sparkling and dancing as I turn
Weeeeeee, I feel freeeeeee….
Looking up
The cliffs darkening
Details disappearing
with the fading light.
I see the glow of the rising moon like a halo ascending…
Paddle out
Spry, spunky, psyched
I see
The sun is sinking down
beyond the horizon.
Catalina, surfers, boats
Become black silhouettes, darkening by the second.
I never want to go in
A wave is building and I tag it mine
Turning to face the shore
Paddle, paddle
Standing on a moving mound of energy I ride
toward the growing light of the moon
from the fading light of the sun
The moon has emerged over the cliffs
shining on me like a beacon
as I ride the water.
Turning off the wave and looking out once again
I see that the sun has been swallowed by another day
Equal and simultaneous, and while surfing,
I see the moonrise and the sunset
The line of these two great forces, the balance of sun and moon,
is dissecting me as I float on this bit of foam on the surface of the shimmering metallic
I am a witness
I see the moon and sun greet each other for just a moment
And then
Bid farewell
I feel like I was invited here,
to this beach,
at this time,
for this occasion.
For if not,
Why else would I be here?

Timing is everything.

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