Monday, November 9, 2009

X Factor

Last night we ate at Mondo X (pronounced eeex), a convent created by Padre Eligio, a man changing lives. The waiters and cooks and cleaners, all drug addicts, alcoholics. Who knows what else. But now they are dressed in tuxedos and more polite and attentive than anyone, anywhere, ever. There is so much pride evident in every detail of the restaurant – from the food to the décor to the service.
We drink this gorgeous ruby red liquid, Soldera. It is a Brunello like I have been drinking for the last several days in this region, but light like a dancer instead of heavy like a boxer ready to knock you out. Same grapes, similar land, completely different flavor, texture, feeling.
We see a Buddha in the convent which Jerry explains was a gift that someone gave it to Eligio because he reminded them of the Buddha.
One world, one tribe, one people.
Sakyong, Jerry’s Buddhist friend, was here at the convent a few years ago and liked it. It has a good feeling. The best aspect of religion is loving each other and you see that clearly when you see rehabilitation.
The world’s religions have so many similarities if we keep the big picture in mind, “Love Thy Neighbor”.
To me, being at the convent was like a dream - every flavor and sensation and view and feeling - unique and desirable.
We drive home staring at the Pleiades out of the window in the brightening night sky. A quarter moon, a slice of light, illuminates these ancient stone cities perched on these same hilltops for hundreds of years.
I am reminded of the time as a kid I thought I discovered a new constellation out there as I stared out the car window on a family road trip across the California desert. I worked very hard to keep an eye on it for many hours until I fell asleep. I dreamt about it and planned to tell my parents about my discovery. I visualized how famous I would be and that this group of stars might be named, The Gina Formation. I didn’t know then I was transfixed by the Pleiades, and that 20 years later it would still fill me with this sense of awe and wonder…
even knowing now I wasn’t the first to see it.
This is a beautiful night - my belly, my heart, my spirit - are full.
This is a magical place,

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